Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Pomimosa

Tricia here. With all Dave's going on about his cod dishes and his blah blah blah I thought I would throw in a fun little note on something I cooked up right in me own little head.

I've never been a fan of pasteurized orange juice, I much prefer fresh squeezed. But the only time I really partake in OJ is when there's a mimosa involved. As we all know it's not always possible to have fresh squeezed juice on hand at home (yes, I know I need to get myself a's on my list but if anyone wants to send me one as a very belated housewarming email me and I'll gladly provide my address).

Easter is tomorrow and for those of us celebrating that means a lot of brunch options which in turn means a lot of brunch cocktail options. My family is big on mimosas Easter morning, until we can rationalize drinking anything else after 12 pm, mimosas are our "gateway drug".

This year I'm using Prosecco, which is a sparkling wine out of The Boot, Italy's answer to Champagne if you didn't know, and combining it with a splash of pomegranate juice. You know those POM juices they have in the produce section of the grocery store? Just that, a little lace of it on top of the Prosecco or Champagne or Cava, whatever your poison is and bam!! You have my Pomimosa!! If you want it even extra delicious use a little splash of the St. Germaine we mentioned in the Blood Orange Cocktail post!


Dave and Trish

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys! Great suggestion! Excellent alternative to a regular mimosa. I loved it!


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