Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Hash

Happy Thanksgiving week to all! Dave and I will be on opposite ends of Massachusetts for the holiday with me home in Western Mass and he in Westport. He's tasked every year with bringing one of his dessert creations so we'll have to see what he decides to whip together this year.

I stick with a pretty traditional Thanksgiving menu myself. I've been doing my turkey the same way for years and it comes out excellent every time if I do say so myself (pretty sure I just did). A lot of flavor comes from what you stuff in the cavity of the bird, and I like to put citrus fruits and onion along with some rosemary, sage and thyme in there. Another dirty little secret? Just a few pieces of uncooked bacon if you have it on hand. Just trust me on that one.

So the leftovers...what to do, what to do. We all know the standbys--soups, sandwiches, pies and casseroles. I say put a brunch spin on it all and do yourself a solid with some turkey hash. This is absolutely delicious, so easy a turkey could make it (but probably wouldn't want to) and fun to do the next day or any day that weekend following. See our post on What To Drink With Brunch to wash it down with. These are all approximations that will serve at least 2, up to probably 4 or 5. You can adjust accordingly for a crowd.

1-2 cups leftover turkey, chopped
Leftover stuffing, just enough to bind the hash together (you made need to just separate this out some if it's all together from being refrigerated)
One sweet potato, chopped into small cubes
1/2 white or yellow onion
1/2-3/4 cup pancetta, chopped

Saute the sweet potato, onion and pancetta together until the sweet potato is fork tender, then add your chopped turkey and stuffing until it's all heated through. In another pan, have an over easy egg working. Once your hash is done plate it and then slide the egg on top.



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